Ginger Lemon Cake Recipe (Wholegrain, GF, Vegan)
- Season per taste ALWAYS! <3 This is my framework and if I want it spicier, I’ll add a little more ginger (or grated fresh ginger), or if it needs to be sweeter I’ll add maple. You may want more or less salt. Etc. Etc. Etc. :-D I’m the sort of soul who cooks by smell and taste, and I encourage you to find your own taste frequency.
- Don’t have all those flours (<—We just throw oats and flax meal in a blender to make ours)? You can use whatever flour you like best, but take note that nut flours (like almond & coconut) have a way of making things dryer than stretchy flours like oat/tapioca/wheat so add more water accordingly.
-You don’t need to make the lemon glaze. It tastes just as great without it and can be eaten with fruit or cashew cream.
This tasty cake was snuggled into last year’s Thanksgiving post, and it’s been pulled out so it can be added to the handy-dandy “Sweet Things” folder I am slowly filling up with scattered recipes on the site.
Have you been tired of typing “recipes” into the search bar and then scrolling through dozens of old offerings? Well, I’ve heard from many folks who second your frustration and I finally sorted out a way to make them easier to find. Give me a few more weeks to finish shifting them all: I’m also doing the fun juggle of Q’s home-school curriculum and sifting through the Plant Based Nutrition Certificate course(s) resources (so I can translate then back to y’all) before they expire.
This cake is quick to whip up, and it has the consistency of a cakey lemon bar with a gingery zing. We make it rarely because of the oily-wallop found therein, but it is a delicious treat when you’re looking for something special.
Live Kindly & Feast Kindly, Folks. <3
Everything needed to start the ginger cake
We’ve gone over oats many times before, but I just can’t help myself (and you may have not seen those other oat recipes), so let’s go over again why you want as many in you as possible:
Oats are an inexpensive, environmentally kind plant-based protein (they clock in at 10 CENTS A SERVING… unlike cancer-causing coagulated cow’s breastmilk, the chicken ovulation harming our endothelia cells, and the sadly carcinogenic bacon and sausage and cardiovascular calamitous red meats. They are all more expensive and causing us, the earth, and animals great harm. Step away from that nonsense, and go buy ye a big ol bag of oats!)
Oats are a super nutritious superfood full of fiber
Oats have powerful antioxidants (like avenanthramide: “able to combat the oxidative stress present in the body that is responsible for causing cancer and cardiovascular disease.”)
Oats are packed with minerals
Oats are bursting with beta-glucans (they boost your immune system)
Oats could keep you from getting a stent or needing a statin
Oats regulate blood sugar, have healthy fats, and are beneficial for those with diabetes
Oats help those with fatty liver disease (which if you’re eating animal products day-in-and-day-out you’re on your way to. Watch that video and have your mind blown.)
Oats can lower your risk of colorectal cancer
Oats even have Omega Fatty Acids
And, for what it’s worth: molasses is packing calcium, potassium, Iron, and feast of other minerals. :-)
I use my Pyrex to measure and hold the wet ingredients and then I keep it for use of the boiling water and the glaze.
Here seen, before and after mixing the dry and wet.
Use the same cup to add the 1/2 cup of water and microwave for a minute or until boiling. It uses up all the flavor still clinging to the cup and spares you a dish.
Stir boiling water into the mix until shiny and like a wet batter. (<—-the oatflour is going to dry this up, don’t worry.) Then pour into your desired pan.
You can keep it plain, or top it with your favorite omega seed (here seen: hemp hearts)
Note: this is a double batch.
Double Batch Glaze: Using the same cup from before, you can grate in the zest of one lemon, squeeze the juice from that lemon, and then add in the maple syrup. Pour over the cake as soon as it comes out of the oven and you get something like a soft pineapple upside-down cake, but with dark/rich/lemony/ginger greatness.
You could eat it plain like above or you could top it (like below) with your favorite fruits, berry sauces, nut butters, and seeds and eat it like a meal.
Enjoy :-)