Orange You Glad You Made Overnight Oats? (Another immune boosting superfood Recipe)
As seen, the chia seeds are optional (if you don’t have them and don’t want to risk going out to a grocery store to get them) this will still work just fine. We add the chia for added protein and Omegas, and the vanilla is just a flavor punch.
If you don’t have an orange, you could do the same with any other citrus rind. And lest you’re new to zesting and think you need to grate the whole rind: you’re just taking off the aromatic, bright colored outer layer! <3
Have you (hopefully) got a few oranges kicking about because we’re all amidst a pandemic and you’re (hopefully) thinking of ways to boost your immune system? Keep those citrusy rinds and use their zest for this tasty overnight oat recipe.
We’ve gone over oats many times before, but I just can’t help myself (and you may have not seen those other oat recipes), so let’s go over again why you want as many in you as possible:
Oats are an inexpensive, environmentally kind plant-based protein (they clock in at 10 CENTS A SERVING. Can your cancer-causing coagulated cow’s breastmilk yogurt beat that? That chicken embryo harming your endothelia cells? Your scrumptious carcinogenic bacon and sausage? Nope! They are all more expensive and causing you, the earth, and animals great harm. Step away from that nonsense, and go buy ye a big ol bag of oats!)
Oats are a super nutritious superfood full of fiber
Oats have powerful antioxidants (like avenanthramide: “able to combat the oxidative stress present in the body that is responsible for causing cancer and cardiovascular disease.”)
Oats are packed with minerals
Oats are bursting with beta-glucans (they boost your immune system)
Oats could keep you from getting a stent or needing a statin
Oats regulate blood sugar, have healthy fats, and are beneficial for those with diabetes
Oats help those with fatty liver disease (which if you’re eating animal products day-in-and-day-out you’re on your way to. Watch that video and have your mind blown.)
Oats can lower your risk of colorectal cancer
Oats even have Omega Fatty Acids
What you need to start a batch: oats, chia seeds (<— also high in Omegas, calcium, and protein), water, salt, and orange rind.
Me: always freshly grating something. :-) Grate that orange zest right into the jar and save yourself a dish to clean.
Fun new thing I learned while researching for this post: 1 tablespoon of orange zest has 14% of your daily Vitamin C.
The beauty, health, and zero-waste joy of using up orange peel.
What they are going to look like when you put them away for the night.
What they’ll look like the next day.
Easy, breezy, super healthy, and environmentally friendly. Throw a cup of it into a bowl and microwave for 30-60 seconds to warm it back up. Q topped his with hemp hearts, cinnamon, and the tiniest drizzle of local/pure maple syrup.
Feast and live kindly, Folks!